Lawrence Johnstone
Square Dance Caller and Teacher

801 Lake Mendocino Dr. #11
Ukiah, CA 95482
Phone: 707-462-0239

Weekly Schedule

Oakmont Squares
Oakmont East Rec Center
7902 Oakmont Dr.
Santa Rosa, CA

7:00 to 9:00pm: SSD dancing and class tips, alternating
Singles & Pairs
Monroe Hall
1400 W. College Ave.
Santa Rosa, CA

7:00 to 9:00pm: Plus dancing and workshop

Ukiah Promenaders
Bartlett Hall at the Ukiah Senior Center
495 Leslie St., Ukiah

7:00 to 9:00pm: SSD class and dancing
Still On Hiatus Until Further Notice
Vaca Valley Ramblers
Veterans Hall
549 Merchant St.
Vacaville, CA

7:00 to 8:00pm: SSD dancing
8:00 to 9:00pm: Plus dancing

Party Dances

Around here, these Saturday-night dances are generally called "hoedowns", but when I first learned to square dance in northeastern California they were always called "party dances." Whatever you call them, they're a lot of fun, and just about everyone looks forward to them. If you'd like me to call one for your club, email me.

(I'm also maintaining a list of party dances I know of that are put on by clubs in Northern California but outside of the SF Bay and Sacramento metropolitan areas, here.)

February 8, 2025Mavericks
Veterans' Hall
110 Park Dr.
Roseville, CA
February 15, 2025Bows and Beaus Sweetheart Special (Rounds by Sandi Kremer)
John Muir Middle School
1260 Branham Ln.
San Jose, CA
March 9, 2025
Boots and Slippers
Stratford Evans Hall
1490 B St.
Merced, CA

March 29, 2025Tam Twirlers Flutterwheel Fling
Aldersgate Methodist Church
1 Wellbrock
San Rafael, CA

April 27, 2025
NCSDA Golden Doors for Newer Dancers
Morello Park Elementary School
1200 Morello Park Dr.
Martinez, CA

May 22, 2025
NCSDA Golden State Roundup Trail End Dance (Rounds by Erin Byars)
Grape Festival Fairgrounds
413 East Lockeford St.
Lodi, CA
May 23-25, 2025Gone to NCSDA Golden State Roundup, Lodi, CA
June 14, 2025Round Abouts 3rd Anniversary Dance (Rounds by Sharon Patterson)
Oakdale Grange
F & Lambuth
Oakdale, CA
June 25-28, 2025Gone to 74th National Square Dance Convention, Shreveport, LA
July 19, 2025Mavericks
Veterans' Hall
110 Park Dr.
Roseville, CA
July 23-26, 2025Gone to USAwest Square Dance Convention, Spokane Fair and Expo Center, 404 N. Havana St. #1, Spokane Valley, WA
August 9, 2025Circle n Squares
Monroe Hall
1400 W. College Ave.
Santa Rosa, CA
October 24-26, 2025Gone to ASDSC Harvest Hoedown, Yuba City, CA
November 8, 2025Ribbons and Souls
Veterans' Memorial
4117 Overland Ave.
Culver City, CA
February 14, 2026Mavericks
Veterans' Memorial Hall
110 Park Dr.
Roseville, CA
November 14, 2026Ribbons & Souls
Veterans' Memorial Bldg
4117 Overland Ave.
Culver City, CA

Note: If it says "tentative," then I've verbally agreed to the date and consider myself bound, but don't yet have a contract in hand. If it says "Gone to..." then it's not an event that I'm calling -- I've just blocked out the time to attend the event. In that case, if you're very convincing, I could be talked into changing my plans... :-)